Why You Must Have a Creative Intention

When women come to me, they are usually longing for these three things but one of them is the strongest. Your path can actually look quite different depending on which one of these three intentions you prioritize.

The three intentions:

1 –  CREATIVITY: I'm hungry for creative and even artistic expression – painting, drawing, dancing, photography, etc. outside of the way I make money right now.  

2 – IMPACT:  I ache to make a real difference in other people's lives – to help them to be better and happier. My current work isn't impacting people the way I know I can. 

3 – FREEDOM: I would love to become my own boss one day, that would be truly amazing. I crave real autonomy over my time and location. I want to be able to work from home whenever I want, and even travel. Right now, I'm tied to the office, paycheck, 9-to-5. 

Get honest with yourself for a moment. What is most important to you in making a commitment to a creative dream of yours? Is it creative expression, impact, or freedom? There's no right or wrong answer, but getting clear about this one intention with help you get clarity on you early on in the process and help you choose your creator path, which is where we’re going next. 

While you may possess all three of these motivations in your life (and yes, there is overlap), rank these three variables from “most important to me” to “least important to me” in terms of where you are standing right now.

Another thing you’ll hear me say throughout this whole process is “don’t be precious.” That’s something I learned from learning at the Stanford design school. Once we go through this process once, if it doesn’t feel good, you can go through it again, from the top and try on a different intention, so don’t get rigid and tight with it. Stay fluid. Be like water. 


P.S. Free training when you pre-order the book

This lesson is part of a free training I’m offering. If you preorder my book, Break the Good Girl Myth, before July 28th at goodgirlmyth.com, you will receive exclusive access to the rest of this bonus training (~$300 value) to help you design your creative purpose.

In the training, you'll learn:⁠

➕ The one intention you must clarify to get clear about your creative purpose⁠

➕ How to more easily bring shape to your creative purpose by choosing one of the four creator paths⁠

➕ A powerful process for choosing a direction if you have a lot of interests and passions⁠ ⁠

➕ How to turn your creative dream plan into an actionable, creative dream plan