The Unsuspecting Key to Your Creative Dream

What if I told you my book journey started with a 1-page snapshot of the book? That’s what I talk about in my free training.

The purpose of free training is to help you take your many interests, passions, ideas, and strengths and help you choose one and crystallize it into a focused, creative dream plan (e.g., 1-pager, "snapshot"). My book, Break the Good Girl Myth (coming out July 28th!) started with a 1-pager. It's hard to believe that I was able to land an agent, and get a publishing deal with something that started out in my head (in the realm of "thought" and "feeling"), into two-dimensional space (a 1-pager), and now into three-dimensional space – a book people can hold in their hands. 

In design, we actually call this 1-page plan a prototype – which is a fancy way of saying a small, dinky version of your idea that you can't be precious about because it really didn't take you that long to make :) 

This all may seem too simple to be that powerful – but I can't stress it enough. That 1-pager was critical to me getting early feedback from other authors, experts, and even agents, which ultimately led to the deal. More than that, it helped make my dream REAL, built my creative confidence, and it helped me have something to show people and engage them in conversation. It helped people visualize my dream in one snapshot, which ultimately helped them help me make it into a reality. 

That's the beauty of focus. And one of my gifts is certainly the exact eye for detail and the ability to take that which is invisible and make it invisible, that which is big, and break it down to the tiniest of tiny, so we can begin to take action on it. 

Too many of us suffer because we don't externalize our ideas and dreams. And when we don't externalize them, we don't actually set them into motion and believe they are possible for ourselves.

Now’s your time.



P.S. Free training when you pre-order the book

This lesson is part of a free training I’m offering. If you preorder my book, Break the Good Girl Myth, before July 28th at, you will receive exclusive access to the rest of this bonus training (~$300 value) to help you design your creative purpose.

In the training, you'll learn:⁠

➕ The one intention you must clarify to get clear about your creative purpose⁠

➕ How to more easily bring shape to your creative purpose by choosing one of the four creator paths⁠

➕ A powerful process for choosing a direction if you have a lot of interests and passions⁠ ⁠

➕ How to turn your creative dream plan into an actionable, creative dream plan