Clarity & Service with Claudia Chan


Claudia Chan is a leadership expert, social entrepreneur, and founder of S.H.E. Summit, an annual conference that celebrates women’s leadership and gender equality. She’s also the author of the newly released book, This Is How We Rise.

Claudia hit a breaking point in her thirties that led her down the path of “waking up” to what she truly felt passionate about. In this episode, she offers a framing of leadership where both men and women work together toward gender equality, and gets honest about the obstacles she’s still working on today. You’ll also learn her unique toolkit for reacting effectively when meltdowns arise.

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Highlighted Excerpt:

Majo: When you describe your life to me… I mean, you’re a badass, you have this huge summit that brings together so many amazing leaders, you have two young children… all of these amazing things and I can’t help but wonder, How does she do it all? Is she not having a meltdown every day?

So can we get a little honest about that? How are you taking care of yourself?

Claudia: It’s interesting, because my whole brand of leadership… I really want every human being on the planet see that they have the potential to be a leader. I think there’s something about knowing we’re all meant to be leaders, which includes so many things – your health, your finances, your family, your relationships, your career obviously, but also your social impact and the good you can do – when you believe that you’re a leader, when you name it and know it, you feel empowered. And there’s a way to live a very effective and fulfilling life when you have clarity about what matters.

I have a toolkit for when I do have meltdowns, because of course I have them. Absolutely. We’re human, we’re always going to get stressed out and have things that are thrown at you. But when you have a toolkit to help you react in an effective way, it can help give you this confidence...

Majo: ...and resilience. Right? What I hear you saying is that as your leadership potential has grown, you’ve gotten more and more on your plate because your capacity has grown, which is beautiful. So life is going to continue to grow and have its obstacles, but you also have more tools now.

Claudia: Right. Just like you have to go into your career and actually do work and make your living, you have to do internal work, too. You have to constantly work on yourself and create your own personal strategic plan for how to empower yourself.

And the thing about obstacles is that they’re actually blessings in life. We have to change our relationship to obstacles as being bad things.

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Show Notes:

  • Claudia as a little girl: Strong-minded and confident, the daughter of Chinese immigrants, and eager to become an adult. [2:20]

  • On her early desires to achieve success and prestige, the strides she made after graduating college, and internalizing her surrounding culture that seemed focused on material wealth. [8:02]

  • Claudia’s breaking point: “Waking up” to a life of purpose, and the steps she took to grow spiritually and as a leader. [12:39]

  • A new trajectory focused on caring about women’s issues and gender equality, and the crazy momentum women have right now in this “4th wave” of feminism. [19:23]

  • Inviting men into the conversation: How Claudia and her husband divide and conquer as co-CEOs of their family and life. [26:09]

  • Getting honest about how she takes care of herself while “doing it all” – Claudia dives into her book, sharing her strategies and tools. [33:10]

  • The internal obstacles Claudia’s still working on today, and her final words of wisdom. [37:51]

Subscribe and listen to the full episode here (you must subscribe to receive latest episode).


Learn more about Claudia & S.H.E. Summit

Claudia's book, This Is How We Rise


by Carolyn Pennypacker Riggs

A Big Thank You & Shout Out:

to two of our badass patrons: 

  • Bianca Wendt, an award-winning art director and graphic designer based in San Francisco and London. Learn more about Bianca and her work here.

  • Jennie Lambert, UX Designer and Marketing Consultant at Weblamb LLC, a company she founded at Stanford University that builds incredible & effective web solutions.

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