Argh, Wearing Sunglasses in the Office

Have I told you about my cubicle days in Washington, D.C.? I worked in an office where those oppressive fluorescent lights would beat down on my brow so I literally started wearing sunglasses to work (like, indoors). Isn’t that hilarious? 

The truth is I was far too sensitive and creative to be put in a cage, which is what my 9-to-5 felt like at the time.

One of the most painful things I’ve observed in women I’ve coached is how much time, energy, and brilliance they spend working for somebody else when they are destined for so much more. 

They trade in their most precious years...for somebody else’s agenda, somebody else’s mission, and for a bottom line that is mostly meaningless. You know that painful place when you know that you have so much potential, but that you’re handing it over to somebody else? Oof.

Why do so many of us do this?

Fear. Straight up. Security and a paycheck. Rules and good girl mentality (yawn).

We do this because of a lack of self-knowledge – not knowing the deeper meaning of why we’re here (yet!)

I knew I didn’t want to be wearing sunglasses in my cubicle, but I also HAD NO CLUE what I wanted to do. 

Does this describe how you’re feeling?  

  • You experience anxiety and stress almost daily wondering whether you’re on the right career track.

  • You can’t believe how much time, energy, and focus you’re giving to your job and employer right now instead of channeling it towards a greater, more meaningful purpose.

  • You feel the daily grind of getting up, going to the same office, again and again.

  • You feel disengaged and underutilized at your job because you know you’re way too gifted for this…and that there must be something more out there for you (there is, I promise).

  • You know what you don’t want (your current job!) but you also have very little clue what’s next.

  • You look at all these other people going independent/starting their own businesses and you wonder if you could do the same #oneday.

  • You’re making a ton of excuses based on fear, like “I’m not ready yet” and “I can’t…”.

Imagine instead...

  • You can confidently answer whether you should go independent and start your own business or make another bold career move like change companies, roles, or teams. 

  • You are pouring time, energy, and focus into your own creative ideas and purpose instead of someone else’s.

  • You shake things up, get out of your comfort zone, re-pattern your brain, and feel more excitement and variety in your day (even travel more!).

  • You feel engaged and utilized with your creative purpose, sharing your gifts with the world instead of stuffing that quiet dream of yours away. 

  • You know both what you don’t want and WHAT YOU DO WANT.

  • You have way more creative confidence in your ability to make shit happen. 

I can help you get here. There is a clear step-by-step process that I have fine-tuned over multiple years, and it involves three stages.

Stage 1

CLEAR good girl mentality, fears, and excuses and replace them with new, empowering beliefs that you can carry forward into your life. Inner work and self-discovery are the foundation. 

Stage 2

DESIGN and define a timeline and launch date for a project that is rooted in your creative purpose (what I’ll call your “Creative Purpose Project”) based on the self-discovery above without quitting your job. 

Stage 3

MANIFEST your Creative Purpose Project. You WILL test your ideas with real people, build creative confidence by putting yourself out there, all while being supported and held accountable. YOU WILL NOT DO IT ALONE.

Examples of Creative Purpose Projects from past clients have been:

  • Exhibiting a series of paintings or photographs

  • Creating a jewelry or ceramics collection

  • Launching a prototype of a product (kombucha, chocolate, etc.)

  • Soft opening a creative/design studio

  • Designing a workshop for corporations/companies

  • Organizing an event for healers/women

  • Making a short film

  • Publishing a short book

  • Launching a podcast 

  • Designing & developing a wellness app

It took me multiple years of painful course-correcting and going back-and-forth about why I was put here on the planet to find out that I was destined to start sharing my voice and expertise with the world. 

It was a very messy process, in which I made a lot of mistakes, but also learned about what works and what doesn’t. 

I wish someone had guided me to compress those years into three months or less. And that’s why I believe in this work more than anything. 

We build creative confidence by taking action rooted in wisdom and self-knowledge. Yet we gain clarity by engaging with the world, NOT by sitting around and wishing for it.

We need more women’s voices, perspectives, and above all, creativity. The time is now. 

If all this resonates and you’re interested in learning more, schedule a call with me and we’ll hop on. Would love to connect with you more personally!

Always on your side sister,
