Five Creative, Feminine Powers
Creative, Feminie Power: Rebellion
You know what it means to trust your own desire, needs, and opinions. You have a high tolerance for risk and judgment which is why you forge or will forge your own completely, unique path. You value freedom above all else and dislike authority. You don't mind breaking conventions and norms.
Creative Purpose Archetypes
Founder, Entrepreneur, Artist.
Good Girl Myth you’re breaking (from the book)
The Myth of Rules.
Action Challenge
What is a path or idea that has been sitting in the back of your head and you're ready to finally pursue? Grab a blank piece of paper, put your unconventional, rule-breaking, innovative idea at the top, and write down the 10 steps it would take to put this idea out into the world. Circle the smallest step and make it ten times smaller. Schedule taking that step in your calendar NOW.
Creative, Feminine Power: Growth
You don't mind being scrappy and showing your process. You feel OK being a beginner and sucking at things for a time being, as long as you make progress. Your mottos are "progress over perfect" and "something is better than nothing." You have the gift for being vulnerable, letting yourself be seen and heard in your mess because for you, what's most important is authenticity than "getting it right" and you're confident you'll hit that bar of quality eventually.
Creative Purpose Archetypes
Entrepreneur, Designer, Artist.
Good Girl Myth You’re Breaking (from the book)
The Myth of Perfection.
Action Challenge
Enroll in learning a new, tangible skill that you think will supercharge your career right now and leap you forward. If you've always wanted to learn to code or illustrate, now's the time. Since you naturally have a growth mindset, you want to leverage this skill towards your purpose ASAP. Not tomorrow. TODAY.
Creative, Feminine Power: Intuition
You have the rare gift in our society of listening to your body, your feelings, and your intuition, often because you do the work of embodiment and intentional softening. You do this through various ways – either by being extremely creative and right-brained, or by being a little bit psychic and clairvoyant able to tap into realities beyond what is being seen.
Creative Purpose Archetypes: Teacher, Healer, Coach, Embodiment Artist (Dancer)
Good Girl Myth You’re Breaking (from the book)
The Myth of Logic.
Action Challenge: Do a short intuitive reading on someone in person or over the phone. Ask them to tell you about a problem they're having in their lives. Listen to them deeply, and tune into what your body is telling you about what this person is saying. Listen to the tone of their voice and body language and simply reflect back what you're seeing. Reach out to three people via email or text RIGHT NOW and offer this reading. Schedule a reading in the next THREE days.
Creative, Feminine Power: Truth
At your core, you're a truth-teller. You know how to express your true feelings and opinions about a situation even if it ruffles a few feathers. You have a high tolerance for other people's anger. You don't put up with SHIT from nobody, and that's a superpower. Your truth-telling has a very important role to play in today's world where things are sugarcoated and people aren't willing to dig deep.
Your Creative Purpose Archetypes
Speaker, Author, Thought Leader, Entrepreneur.
Good Girl Myth You’re Breaking (from the book)
The Myth of Harmony.
Action Challenge
You can't afford to be invisible when you have such a strong role to play in truth-telling. Your challenge is to write a post and share a contrarian point of view (online, on a stage, at an event, or with a group in person) you know might annoy some people but get a discussion going. Here's a quick template: It really bothers me when I see ...because the truth is...Do this TODAY or in the next three days (at the VERY latest).
Creative, Feminine Power: Boundaries
You are a real, exceptional heroine when it comes to putting boundaries around your time and energy. Perhaps your a time management whiz. You know how to say no, and make sure your self-care is in place before making commitments to anybody else. While you inhabit multiple roles as a woman (e.g., partner, boss, sister, etc), you don't let these roles define your identity. You see yourself as "you" moving between them, which makes you very powerful. You believe in putting your deepest work at the forefront.
Creative Purpose Archetypes
Thought Leader, Artist, Healer.
Good Girl Myth You’re Breaking (from the book)
The Myth of Sacrifice.
Action Challenge
Design a simple morning ritual that nurtures you for your day. If you already have a morning one, design an evening one. Put this ritual in your calendar RIGHT NOW. And complete this sentence: The deepest work that I give myself room to create with all my boundaries is....Schedule your deep work in your calendar too.